A terroir blessed by the gods For centuries, the rolled pebbles, the 13 grape varieties, the sun and the Mistral wind have been the fundamentals of the Châteauneuf-du-Pape appellation. The terroir in Châteauneuf-du-Pape is unique: its large pebbles, heated by the sun, providentially diffuse a gentle heat into the soil, thus favouring the maturity and concentration of the grapes. The Domaine has the "Symphony of the 13 grape varieties" characteristic of the appellation, bringing aromatic complexity, power and balance. For the red wines, 4 dominant grape varieties : Grenache, Syrah, Mourvèdre, Cinsault, complemented by Counoise, Muscardin, Terret noir and Vaccarèse. The whites are made from white grape varieties: Clairette, Roussane, Bourboulenc, white Grenache, Picardan and Picpoul. Discover in music the "Symphony of the 13 grape varieties". The average age of the vines is about 45 years with a yield, in Châteauneuf, varying from 15 to 35 hl/ha. In Rasteau, the terroir is clayey-limestone with a subsoil of blue clay, on hillsides and terraces facing south. Yields are low (25 to 38 hl/Ha). The entire Beaurenard vineyard (60ha) is under organic cultivation (certified by Ecocert) and even biodynamic (certified by Demeter), without the use of synthetic chemicals. Thus the vine is in phase with nature, the lunar and planetary cycles and cosmic rhythms. Based on this principle, biodynamic preparations are applied at key moments (horn dung, dung compost, silica, ...) which will strengthen the natural defences of the vine. To perfect this strength, sprays of herbal teas are regularly made (nettle, yarrow, horsetail, camomile, ...). In the vineyard, this means working the soil without herbicides, with a carefully energized manure spreading and a thoughtful grassing (depending on the climatic conditions). The setting up of a conservatory with the 13 authorized grape varieties of the appellation coming from the oldest vines of the Domaine de Beaurenard also contributes to the biodiversity. The grape varieties selected during 5 years were grafted on the spot in old-fashioned slit, in a plot that has been resting on the ground for 12 years. Our primary goal is to safeguard this natural genetic heritage which is particularly well adapted to the terroir. The idea is also to think about future generations, and if global warming continues, to increase the percentage of these grape varieties that have less sugar (and therefore less alcohol) and bring aromatic complexity. The work remains manual e work remains manual A constant manual work is carried out throughout the year, with 4 strong moments: The pruning carried out only by the personnel of the Domaine de Beaurenard where each one takes care of the same parcel year after year and thus shapes "his vine stock" like a sculpture. The manual disbudding of all the vines, in order to avoid the accumulation of leaves around the bunches, to ensure a small yield and to ventilate the stump by introducing a natural source of light inside the cup! To this work is added the green work: lifting, tying up, green harvesting if necessary. Soil work and controlled grassing are completed by a team of seasonal workers who "pass the booze" in the vines for long weeks, a very tiring and tedious work in our stony soils. The harvest is entirely manual and sorted. This type of cultivation and monitoring of extreme precision allows us to obtain healthy grapes, the only ones capable of producing wines of quality and great concentration.